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Cynllun Gwên | Designed to Smile

Funded by Welsh Government and first launched in 2009, Design to Smile is a national child oral health improvement programme. This involves each child brushing their teeth on a daily basis as part of a group activity. Families are also given regular supplies of toothpaste and toothbrushes as well as useful information regarding the importance of good habits from an early age with tooth brushing. I am pleased to say we have achieved 'gold award' recognition for providing this service. 

Boliau Bach | Tiny Tums Award

The Venture Early Years Centre was awarded 'Best Practice Certificate for Early Years Settings' in 2017 in recognition of best practice for food and nutrition, in accordance with Welsh Government  Food & Health guidelines. 

To be eligible for the award, we completed the WEA (Workers' Educational Association) Cymru's 'Community Food and Nutrition Skills for Early Years' course, which is a Level 2 qualification, and our menu and food policy was submitted for approval by public health dietitians from Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board to meet Tiny Tums standards.


The award lasts for 3 years and is recognised by Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) as a sign of high quality. For more information on Welsh Government recommendations visit the Eatwell Guide.

Healthy and Sustainable Pre School Scheme

Launched nationally in 2011, the Healthy and Sustainable Pre School Scheme was developed as an extension of the Welsh Network of Healthy Schools Scheme (WNHSS) and the criteria have clear parallels with the WNHSS National Quality Award. 

The Venture Early Years Centre signed up in January 2017 to take part in the award, which can take up to 3 years to achieve, and completed the preliminary phase in April 2017. 

Areas covered in the award include: Nutrition & oral health, physical activity/active play, mental & emotional health, wellbeing & relationships, environment, safety, hygeine and workplace health & wellbeing. 

Cyflawniadau a Gwobrau | Achievements & Awards

Canolfan y Blynyddoedd Cynnar | Early Years Centre

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